查看完整版本: How to upgrade to level 2?

互撸娃呼噜 2016-6-15 20:01

Just to get more goldens.

schai 2017-8-26 05:03

The easiest way is to participate in the discussion. You will receive one point per post.

568616777 2017-11-5 17:41

ust need 50 gold,now you have 32glod ,more miss the most important part of this forum. Why not use google translation toos or something like that to help you read the posts of this site?

互撸娃呼噜 2017-12-26 13:21

money or golden

bravelei 2018-3-1 19:25

I feel the forum is a good website,and Ilike it

wormcy 2018-3-2 12:12

you just need reply reply and reply

ezerstrom100 2018-3-6 23:58

need 250 gold maybe

haoiii 2018-3-18 19:39

You just keep posting stuffs that are legit in length and content. Either slowly grinding towrads higher level or you can directly sponsor the site.

m_jay 2018-3-21 22:30

just reply to any post as with many words as possible

robbie2046 2018-4-18 03:32

回复 1楼 的帖子

basically there are two tracks
1. reply to any posts. it will give you 1 gold. when you gain 5 golds, in exchange you gain 1 point.
2. The more points you have the higher you get on this forum

andrew16 2018-4-26 13:55

buy the temporary VIP, or just contribute in this forum

seowsex 2018-5-16 12:57

here , u reply in english they will deduct your gold cause they can't read and understand , it just unfair , wtf
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查看完整版本: How to upgrade to level 2?